1. State and explain
the first
law of
thermodynamics and discuss its physical
significance. [Apr-09; Sep-06; Mar-04;
Oct-02; Nov-01; Dec-00; Apr-10]
2.Describe a Carnot
cycle and
derive an expression for the
work done
at each
step of
the cycle. [Oct-08; Sep-07; Mar-06;
Mar-05; Sep-04; Sep-03; Oct-02; Apr-02;
May-01; Nov-01; Dec-00]
3.Derive an expression
the efficiency of a Carnot cycle
in terms
of temperature
of the
source and the sink. Why it is impossible to get 100% efficient Carnot’s engine? [Oct-08; Sep-07;
Mar-06; Mar-05; Sep-04; Sep-03; Oct-02;
Apr-02; May-01; Nov-01; Dec-00]
4.State the fundamental assumptions of the kinetic theory of gases and deduce an expression
for the pressure exerted of the wall
of the
container by the perfect gas.
[Apr-08; Mar-04;
5. Deduce Boyle’s law,
Charles’ law and Avogadro’s law
for a
perfect gas from the principle
of the kinetic theory of
gases. [Oct-08; Mar-07; May-00]
6. State the principle of equipartition of energy and explain
the term
degrees of freedom in this connection.
Mar-07; Mar-06; Sep-04; Apr-02; Nov-01;
7.Prove that for
a mono-atomic
gas, the
value of, the ratio
of the
specific heats is 5/3, for a
diatomic gas it is 7/5
and for
a tri-atomic
gas it
is 4/3. [ Mar-06 Apr-02;
Dec-00; Apr-10]
8. What is meant
by “mean
free path”?
Show that
the mean
free path
is equal
1/√(2 πσ2 n); where n is the number
of molecules per unit volume and σ is the diameter
of each molecule. Explain
the variation
of mean
free path
with the
change in temperature and pressure of a gas. [Sep-06;
Mar-05; Sep-04; May-00 Apr-08; Mar-05]
9 Describe a Carnot
cycle. Drive an expression for the work done (a) at each step of the cycle (b)
for the whole cycle.
10. Show from the kinetic
theory of gas that mean kinetic energy of one Molecule of a perfect gas is 3/2
KT. [Oct-08; Mar-07; Apr-02]
11.Explain what is meant
by “root
mean square”
the velocity of the molecules of
a gas.
that the root
mean square
(r.m.s) speed of a gas
is C=√(3KT/m) where the symbols
have their usual meaning.
Sep-05; Oct-02]
Obtain an expression for the work done by a perfect gas in expanding
(i) isothermally
and (ii)
adiabatically from a volume v1 to
v2. [Apr-09;
Mar-07; Sep-06; Sep-05; Mar-04]
13.Define adiabatic, isothermal processes. Distinguish between isothermal and adiabatic processes. [Apr-10; Apl-08; Mar-07; Sep-06; Sep-05;
Apr-03; Apr-02; May-01; Dec-00]
14.Define isochoric and
isobaric processes, [Apr-10; Apl-08;
Mar-07; Sep-06; Sep-05; Apr-03; Apr-02;
May-01; Dec-00]
15. Show that the adiabatic elasticity of a perfect gas is γ times its isothermal elasticity, where is the ratio of the specific heats at constant pressure and constant volume
respectively. [ Apr-08]
16.Define reversible and irreversible processes. Distinguish between reversible and
irreversible processes. [Sep-07;
Mar-06 Mar-05; Mar-04]
17. Show that for a
perfect gas undergoing adiabatic transformation
(i) PV𝛄=constant.(ii) TVγ-1=constant . (iii) TP 1-γ/γ=constant [Mar-07; Sep-05; Apr-03; Apr-02;May-01; May-00; Apr-08; Apr-10]
18. For an ideal gas prove that CP-CV=R where the symbols have their usual meanings. [Apr-10; May-00]
19. Define and explain the coefficient of thermal conductivity.
[Oct-11; May-01]
20. What is meant entropy?
Discuss its physical significance. [Oct-2010]
AMIE শিক্ষার্থীদের জন্য Engineering Physics এর Suggestion Part-1| Heat & Thermodynamics
Reviewed by BD Study Room
November 24, 2019
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